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Glynn Galloway

Glynn Galloway

2020 Fulbright Scholar


Fairview, TX


Mechanical Engineering


College of Engineering


Glynn Gallaway will conduct research on tissue-engineered membranes in Hannover, Germany at the Institute for Multiphase Processes (IMP) at Leibniz University. Gallaway, who holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University, is continuing research that she completed as an undergraduate student during a summer program at IMP. Her project seeks to mimic native tissues of the human body, specifically nerve tissue, which is the slowest to regenerate after injury.


Gallaway’s experiences with the summer camp community became a gateway to her focus on accessibility.  As she says, “Removing barriers to foundational experiences, like sports or camp, builds character and opens doors for people. Often, quality of life is associated with medical statistics; I view it as the ability to experience life uninhibited.”


In the same vein of removing barriers, Gallaway has a strong commitment to women in STEM. She says, “I was fortunate to be inspired by my mother who is an engineer. Women are equally exposed to and competent in math and science, however, there is still a large gender gap in the field around the world.” Gallaway plans to continue outreach to young women while in Germany.